業 績



Vaccine Effectiveness Real-Time Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 (VERSUS) Study

▶ 研究ホームページ:https://www.tm.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/versus/

第1報 (2021年10月5日) ▶「リンク: https://covid-19-japan-epi.github.io/output/新型コロナワクチンの有効性研究.html
第2報 (2022年2月2日更新) ▶「リンク: https://covid-19-japan-epi.github.io/output/ve_nagasaki_v2.html
第3報 (2022年1月26日) ▶「リンク: https://covid-19-japan-epi.github.io/output/ve_nagasaki_v3.html
第4報 (2022年3月25日) ▶「リンク: https://covid-19-japan-epi.github.io/output/ve_nagasaki_v4.html


Shimizu K, Maeda H, Sando E, Fujita A, Tashiro M, Tanaka T, Izumikawa K, Motomura K, Morimoto K.Epidemiology of SARS-CoV-2 infection in nursing facilities and the impact of their clusters in a Japanese core city. J Infect Chemother. 28:955-961(2022)
Maeda H, Saito N, Igarashi A, Ishida M, Suami K, Yagiuchi A, Kimura Y, Komino M, Arai H, Morikawa T, Motohashi I, Miyazawa R, Moriyama T, Kamura H, Terada M, Kuwamitsu O, Hayakawa T, Sando E, Ohara Y, Teshigahara O, Suzuki M, Morimoto K, Effectiveness of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections during the Delta variant epidemic in Japan: Vaccine Effectiveness Real-time Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 (VERSUS).. Clin Infect Dis. 75:1971-1979(2022)
Maeda H, Sando E, Toizumi M, Arima Y, Shimada T, Tanaka T, Tashiro M, Fujita A, Yanagihara K, Takayama H, Yasuda I, Kawachi N, Kohayagawa Y, Hasegawa M, Motomura K, Fujita R, Nakata K, Yasuda J, Morita K, Kohno S, Izumikawa K, Suzuki M, Morimoto K.  Epidemiology of Coronavirus Disease Outbreak among Crewmembers on Cruise Ship, Nagasaki City, Japan, April 2020. doi: 10.3201/eid2709.204596. Emerg Infect Dis.27:2251-2260 (2021)
Sando E, Morimoto K, Narukawa S, Nakata K. COVID-19 outbreak on the Costa Atlantica cruise ship: use of a remote health monitoring system. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taaa163. J Travel Med. Feb 23;28(2) (2021)


Takaki M, Nakama T, Ishida M, Morimoto H, Nagasaki Y, Shiramizu R, Hamashige N, Chikamori M, Yoshida L, Ariyoshi K, Suzuki M, Morimoto K. High Incidence of Community-Acquired Pneumonia among Rapidly Aging Population in Japan: A Prospective Hospital-Based Surveillance. doi: 10.7883/yoken.67.269. Jpn J Infect Dis.67, 269-275 (2014)


Dhoubhadel BG, Suzuki M, Ishifuji T, Yaegashi M, Asoh N, Ishida M, Hamaguchi S, Aoshima M, Yasunami M, Ariyoshi K, Morimoto K; Adult Pneumonia Study Group-Japan (APSG-J). High prevalence of multiple serotypes of pneumococci in patients with pneumonia and their associated risk factors. Thorax. 77:1121-1130(2022)
Sando E, Suzuki M, Ishida M, Yaegashi M, Aoshima M, Ariyoshi K, Morimoto K. Definitive and Indeterminate Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection in Adults with Community-acquired Pneumonia: A Prospective Observational Study. doi: 10.1513/AnnalsATS.201906-459OC. Ann Am Thorac Soc.18:1475-1481 (2021)
Hasegawa S, Sada R, Yaegashi M, Morimoto K, Mori T; Adult Pneumonia Study Group-Japan. 1g versus 2 g daily intravenous ceftriaxone in the treatment of community onset pneumonia - a propensity score analysis of data from a Japanese multicenter registry. doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-4552-8. BMC Infect Dis. 19:1079, (2019)
Hasegawa S, Shiraishi A, Yaegashi M, Hosokawa N, Morimoto K, Mori T. Ceftriaxone versus ampicillin/sulbactam for the treatment of aspiration-associated pneumonia in adults. J doi: 10.2217/cer-2019-0041. Comp Eff Res. 8:1275-1284, (2019)
Hamaguchi S, Suzuki M, Sasaki K, Abe M, Wakabayashi T, Sando E, Yaegashi M, Morimoto S, Asoh N, Hamashige N, Aoshima M, Ariyoshi K, Morimoto K*; Adult Pneumonia Study Group – Japan. Six underlying health conditions strongly influence mortality based on pneumonia severity in an ageing population of Japan: a prospective cohort study. doi: 10.1186/s12890-018-0648-y. BMC Pulm Med. 18:88, (2018)
Suzuki M, Katsurada N, Le MN, Kaneko N, Yaegashi M, Hosokawa N, Otsuka Y, Aoshima M, Yoshida LM, Morimoto K. Effectiveness of inactivated influenza vaccine against laboratory-confirmed influenza pneumonia among adults aged ≥65 years in Japan. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2018.04.037. Vaccine. 36:2960-2967, (2018)
Suzuki M, Katoh S, Miyahara R, Ariyoshi K, Morimoto K. Accuracy of composite diagnostic standards for pneumococcal pneumonia in vaccine trials. doi: 10.1017/S0950268818000651. Epidemiol Infect. 146:712-715.
Kakiuchi S, Suzuki M, Dhoubhadel BG, Furumoto A, Ito H, Matsuki K, Tsuchihashi Y, Asoh N, Yasunami M, Ariyoshi K, Morimoto K*. Accuracy of High-Throughput Nanofluidic PCR-Based Pneumococcal Serotyping and Quantification Assays Using Sputum Samples for Diagnosing Vaccine Serotype Pneumococcal Pneumonia: Analyses by Composite Diagnostic Standards and Bayesian Latent Class Models. doi: 10.1128/JCM.01874-17. J Clin Microbiol. 56: e01874-17, (2018)
Katsurada N, Suzuki M, Aoshima M, Yaegashi M, Ishifuji T, Asoh N, Hamashige N, Abe M, Ariyoshi K, Morimoto K; Adult Pneumonia Study Group-Japan. The impact of virus infections on pneumonia mortality is complex in adults: a prospective multicentre observational study. doi: 10.1186/s12879-017-2858-y. BMC Infect Dis. 17(1):755, (2017)
Suzuki M, Dhoubhadel BG, Ishifuji T, Yasunami M, Yaegashi M, Asoh N, Ishida M, Hamaguchi S, Aoshima M, Ariyoshi K, Morimoto K*; Adult Pneumonia Study Group-Japan (APSG-J). Serotype -specific effectiveness of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine against pneumococcal pneumonia in adults aged 65 years or older: a multicentre, prospective, test-negative design study. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(17)30049-X. Lancet Infect Dis. 17, 313-321 (2017)
Ishifuji T, Sando E, Kaneko N, Suzuki M, Kilgore PE, Ariyoshi K, Morimoto K*, Hosokawa N, Yaegashi M, Aoshima M; Adult Pneumonia Study Group - Japan (APSG-J). Recurrent pneumonia among Japanese adults: disease burden and risk factors. doi: 10.1186/s12890-016-0359-1. BMC Pulm Med. 17, 12 (2017)
Morimoto K*, Suzuki M, Ishifuji T, Yaegashi M, Asoh N, Hamashige N, Abe M, Aoshima M, Ariyoshi K; on behalf of the Adult Pneumonia Study Group – Japan (APSG-J), The burden and etiology of community-onset pneumonia in the aging Japanese population: A multicenter prospective study. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122247. PLoS One, 10, e0122247 (2015)


Kuroki T, Ishida M, Suzuki M, Furukawa I, Ohya H, Watanabe Y, Konnai M, Aihara Y, Chang B, Ariyoshi K, Oishi K, Ohnishi M, Morimoto K*. Outbreak of Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype 3 pneumonia in extremely elderly people in a nursing home unit in Kanagawa, Japan, doi: 10.1111/jgs.12863. 2013. J Am Geriatr Soc. 62, 1197-1198 (2014)
Miyahara R, Suzuki M, Morimoto K, Chang B, Yoshida S, Yoshinaga S, Kitamura M, Chikamori M, Oishi K, Kitamura T, Ishida M. Nosocomial Outbreak of Upper Respiratory Tract Infection With β-Lactamase-Negative Ampicillin-Resistant Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae. doi: 10.1017/ice.2018.56. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 39:652-659, (2018)


Yasuda I, Suzuki M, Maeda H, Terada M, Sando E, Ng CFS, Otomaru H, Yoshida LM, Morimoto K.Respiratory virus detection in the upper respiratory tract of asymptomatic, community-dwelling older people. BMC Infect Dis. 22:411(2022)
Yasuda I, Suzuki M, Dhoubhadel BG, Terada M, Satoh A, Sando E, Hiraoka T, Kurihara M, Matsusaka N, Kawahara F, Ariyoshi K, Morimoto K*. The low carriage prevalence of pneumococcus among community-dwelling older people: A cross-sectional study in Japan, doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.03.033. Vaccine. 38: 3752-3758, (2020)


Maeda H, Gopal Dhoubhadel B, Sando E, Suzuki M, Furumoto A, Asoh N, Yaegashi M, Aoshima M, Ishida M, Hamaguchi S, Otsuka Y, Morimoto K, Long-term impact of pneumococcal conjugate vaccines for children on adult pneumococcal pneumonia in Japan: Two multicenter observational studies from 2011 to 2020.Vaccine. 40:5504-5512(2022)
Sando E, Suzuki M, Furumoto A, Asoh N, Yaegashi M, Aoshima M, Ishida M, Hamaguchi S, Otsuka Y, Morimoto K*. Impact of the pediatric 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine on serotype distribution and clinical characteristics of pneumococcal pneumonia in adults: The Japan Pneumococcal Vaccine Effectiveness Study (J-PAVE). doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2019.04.009. Vaccine. 37: 2687-2693, 2019

JPAVE2研究(2020開始; ファイザー社との共同研究)


Dhoubhadel BG, Morimoto K. Prevention of pneumococcal diseases: the challengeremains.Lancet Glob Health. 10(10):e1375-e1376(2022)