Miyazaki Y, Vos MW, Geurten FJA, Bigeard P, Kroeze H, Yoshioka S, Arisawa M, Inaoka DK, Soulard V, Dechering KJ, Franke-Fayard B, Miyazaki S: A versatile Plasmodium falciparum reporter line expressing NanoLuc enables highly sensitive multistage drug assays. Commun Biol 6(1): 713, 2023.
Poofery J, Ngamprasertwong T, Narapakdeesakul D, Arnuphapprasert A, Nugraheni YR, Thanee S, Asada M, Kaneko O, Kaewthamasorn M: Complete mitochondrial genome analyses confirm that bat Polychromophilus and ungulate Plasmodium constitute a distinct clade independent of other Plasmodium species. Sci Rep 13(1): 20258, 2023.
Baba M, Nozaki M, Tachibana M, Tsuboi T, Torii M, Ishino T: Rhoptry neck protein 4 plays important roles during Plasmodium sporozoite infection of the mammalian liver. mSphere 8(4): e0058722, 2023.
Wang Z, Chitama BYA, Suganuma K, Yamano Y, Sugimoto S, Kawakami S, Kaneko O, Otsuka H, Matsunami K: Two new cytotoxic sesquiterpene-amino acid conjugates and a coumarin-glucoside from Crossostephium chinense. Molecules 28(12): 4696, 2023.
Ward KE, Christensen P, Racklyeft A, Dhingra SK, Chua A, Braehler C, Suwanarusk R, Matheson J, Blackman MJ, Kaneko O, Kyle D, Lee M, Moon RW, Snounou G, Renia L, Fidock DA, Bifani P, Russell B: Integrative genetic manipulation of Plasmodium cynomolgi reveals MultiDrug Resistance-1 Y976F associated with increased in vitro susceptibility to mefloquine. J Infect Dis 227(10): 1121-1126, 2023.
He L, Qiu Y, Pang G, Li S, Wang J, Feng Y, Chen L, Zhu L, Liu Y, Cui L, Cao Y, Zhu X: Plasmodium falciparum GAP40 Plays an Essential Role in Merozoite Invasion and Gametocytogenesis. Microbiology Spectrum11(3): e0143423, 2023.
Naruse TK, Konishi-Takemura M, Yanagida R, Sharma G, Vajpayee M, Terunuma H, Mehra NK, Kaur G, Kimura A: Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor three domains long cytoplasmic tail 1 gene *007 may modulate disease progression of human immunodeficiency virus-1 infection in the Japanese population. Int J Immunogenet 50(2): 48-52, 2023.
Simpson SV, Nundu SS, Arima H, Kaneko O, Mita T, Culleton R, Yamamoto T: The diversity of Plasmodium falciparum isolates from asymptomatic and symptomatic school-age children in Kinshasa province, Democratic Republic of Congo. Malar J 22(1): 102, 2023.
Otsuki H, Kaneko O, Ito D, Kondo Y, Iriko H, Ishino T, Tachibana M, Tsuboi T, Torii M: Cysteine residues in the region 6 of the Plasmodium yoelii erythrocyte-bindinglike ligand that are related to its localization and the course of infection. Biomolecules 13(3): 458, 2023.
Pandey K, Shyam Dumre P, YShah Y, Acharya BK, Khanal L, Pyakurel UR, Kaneko O, Pandey BD: Forty Years (1980-2019) of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Nepal: Trends and Elimination Challenges. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg 117(6): 460-469, 2023.
Nguyen AHL, Pattaradilokrat S, Kaewlamun W, Kaneko O, Asada M, Kaewthamasorn M: Myzomyia and Pyretophorus series of Anopheles mosquitoes acting as vectors of the goat malaria parasite Plasmodium caprae in Thailand. Sci Rep 13(1): 145, 2023.
Culleton R, Pain A, Snounou G: Plasmodium malariae: the persisting mysteries of a persistent parasite. Trends Parasitol 39(2): 113-125, 2023.
Ramaprasad A, Culleton R: A song for the unsung: The relevance of Plasmodium vinckei as a laboratory rodent malaria system. Parasitol Int 92: 102680, 2023.
Abdulraheem MA, Ernest M, Ugwuanyi I, Abkallo HM, Nishikawa S, Adeleke M, Orimadegun AE, Culleton R: High prevalence of Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium ovale in co-infections with Plasmodium falciparum in asymptomatic malaria parasite carriers in Southwestern Nigeria. Int J Parasitol 52(1): 23-33, 2022.
Nundu SS, Culleton R, Simpson SV, Arima H, Chitama BYA, Muyembe JJ, Ahuka S, Kaneko O, Mita T, Yamamoto T: Identification of polymorphisms in genes associated with drug resistance in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from school-age children in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Parasitol Int 88: 102541, 2022.
Nugraheni YR, Arnuphapprasert A, Nguyen TT, Narapakdeesakul D, Nguyen HLA, Poofery J, Kaneko O, Asada M, Kaewthamasorn M: Myzorhynchus series of Anopheles mosquitoes as potential vectors of Plasmodium bubalis in Thailand. Sci Rep 12(1): 5747, 2022.
Liu M, Guo G, Qian P, Mu J, Lu N, He X, Shang X, Yang G, Shen S, Liu W, Wang L, Gu L, Mu Q, Yu X, Zhao Y, Culleton R, Cao J, Jiang L, Wellems TE, Yuan J, Jiang C, Zhang Q: 5-methylcytosine modification by Plasmodium NSUN2 stabilizes mRNA and mediates the development of gametocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 119(9): e2110713119, 2022.
Thieu NQ, Chinh VD, Hanh TV, Dung NV, Takagi H, Annoura T, Kawai S, Masuda G, Tuan NV, Hung VV, Nakazawa S, Culleton R, Binh NTH, Maeno Y: Reduction in Plasmodium falciparum Pfk13 and pfg377 allele diversity through time in southern Vietnam. Trop Med Health 50(1): 19, 2022.
Nundu SS, Arima H, Simpson SV, Chitama BYA, Munyeku YB, Muyembe JJ ,Mita T, Ahuka S, Culleton R, Yamamoto T: Low prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum parasites lacking pfhrp2/3 genes among asymptomatic and symptomatic school-age children in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo. Malar J 21(1): 126, 2022.
Christensen P, Racklyeft A, Ward KE, Matheson J, Suwanarusk R, Chua ACY, Kaneko O, Aung HL, Renia L, Amanzougaghene, Magneron V, Lemaitre J, Le Grand R, Kyle D, Bifani P, Cook GM, Snounou G, Russell B: Improving in vitro continuous cultivation of Plasmodium cynomolgi, a model for P. vivax. Parasitol Int 89: 102589, 2022.
Chuang H, Sakaguchi M, Lucky AB, Yamagishi J, Katakai Y, Kawai S, Kaneko O: SICA-mediated cytoadhesion of Plasmodium knowlesi-infected red blood cells to human umbilical vein endothelial cells. Sci Rep12(1): 14942, 2022.
Nii-Trebi NI, Matsuoka S, Kawana-Tachikawa A, Bonney EY, Abana CZ, Ofori SB, Mizutani T, Ishizaka A, Shiino T, Ohashi J, Naruse TK, Kimura A, Kiyono H, Ishikawa K, Ampofo WK, Matano T: Super high-resolution single-molecule sequencebased typing of HLA class I alleles in HIV-1 infected individuals in Ghana. PLoS ONE 17(6): e0269390, 2022.
Munthe GM, Nugraha D, Mudjianto GP, Rohmah EA, Weni ADD, Salma Z, Rossyanti L, Fitriah, Pusarawati S, Utomo B, Basuki S, Uemura H: Breeding preference and bionomics of Anopheles spp. at the malarial endemic area, Runut village, East Nusa Tenggara province, Indonesia. Biomol Health Sci J 5(1): 19-24, 2022.
Osborne A, Manko E, Takeda M, Kaneko A, Kagaya W, Chan C, Ngara M, Kongere J, Kita K, Campino S, Kaneko O, Gitaka J, Clark TG: Characterizing the genomic variation and population dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites in and around Lake Victoria, Kenya. Sci Rep 11: 19809, 2021.
Chaiyawong N, Ishizaki T, Asada M, Hakimi H, Yahata K, Kaneko O: Distinct effects on the secretion of MTRAP and AMA1 in Plasmodium yoelii following deletion of acylated pleckstrin homology domain-containing protein. Parasitol Int 86: 102479, 2021.
Yahata K, Hart MN, Davies H, Asada M, Wassmer SC, Templeton TJ, Treeck M, Moon RW, Kaneko O: Gliding motility of Plasmodium merozoites. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118: e2114442118, 2021.
Sulistyowaty MI, Uyen NH, Suganuma K, Chitama BYA, Yahata K, Kaneko O, Sugimoto S, Yamano Y, Kawakami S, Otsuka H, Matsunami K: Six new phenylpropanoid derivatives from chemically converted extract of Alpinia galanga (L.) and anti-parasitic activities. Molecules 26(6): 1756, 2021.
Miyazaki S, Chitama BA, Kagaya W, Lucky AB, Zhu X, Yahata K, Morita M, Takashima E, Tsuboi T, Kaneko O: Plasmodium falciparum SURFIN4.1 forms an intermediate complex with PTEX components and Pf113 during export to the red blood cell. Parasitol Int 83: 102358, 2021.
Ramaprasad A, Klaus S, Douvropoulou O, Culleton R, Pain A: Plasmodium vinckei genomes provide insights into the pan-genome and evolution of rodent malaria parasites. BMC Biol 19(1): 69, 2021.
Munyeku YB, Musaka AA, Ernest M, Smith C, Mansiangi PM, Culleton R: Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum isolates lacking the histidine rich protein 2 gene among symptomatic malaria patients in Kwilu Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Infect Dis Poverty 10(1): 77, 2021.
Moraes Barros RR, Thawnashom K, Gibson TJ, Armistead JS, Caleon RL, Kaneko M, Kite WA, Mershon JP, Brockhurst JK, Engels T, Lambert L, Orr-Gonzalez S, Adams JH, Sa JM, Kaneko O, Wellems TE: Activity of Plasmodium vivax promoter elements in Plasmodium knowlesi, and a centromere-containing plasmid that expresses NanoLuc throughout the parasite life cycle. Malar J 20(1): 247, 2021.
Koudatsu S, Masatani T, Konishi R, Asada M, Hakimi H, Kurokawa Y, Tomioku K, Kaneko O, Fujita A: Glycosphingolipid GM3 is localized in both exoplasmic and cytoplasmic leaflets of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasite plasma membrane. Sci Rep 11(1): 14890, 2021.
Ishizaki T, Asada M, Hakimi H, Chaiyawong N, Kegawa Y, Yahata K, Kaneko O: cAMP-dependent protein kinase regulates secretion of apical membrane antigen 1 (AMA1) in Plasmodium yoelii. Parasitol Int 85: 102435, 2021.
Abdulraheem MA, Ernest M, Ugwuanyi I, Abkallo HM, Nishikawa S, Adeleke M, Orimadegun AE, Culleton R: High prevalence of Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium ovale in co-infections with Plasmodium falciparum in asymptomatic malaria parasite carriers in southwestern Nigeria. Int J Parasitol S0020-7519(21)00239-3, 2021.
Hakimi H, Asada M, Ishizaki T, Kawazu S: Isolation of viable Babesia bovis merozoites to study parasite invasion. Sci Rep 11(1): 16959, 2021.
Shang X, Shen S, Tang J, He X, Zhao Y, Wang C, He X, Guo G, Liu M, Wang L, Zhu Q, Yang G, Jiang C, Zhang M, Yu X, Han J, Culleton R, Jiang L, Cao J, Gu L, Zhang Q: A cascade of transcriptional repression determines sexual commitment and development in Plasmodium falciparum. Nucleic Acids Res 49(16): 9264-9279, 2021.
Osborne A, Manko E, Takeda M, Kaneko A, Kagaya W, Chan C, Ngara M, Kongere J, Kita K, Campino S, Kaneko O, Gitaka J, Clark TG: Characterizing the genomic variation and population dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites in and around Lake Victoria, Kenya. Sci Rep 11: 19809, 2021.
Chaiyawong N, Ishizaki T, Asada M, Hakimi H, Yahata K, Kaneko O: Distinct effects on the secretion of MTRAP and AMA1 in Plasmodium yoelii following deletion of acylated pleckstrin homology domain-containing protein. Parasitol Int 86: 102479, 2021.
Yahata K, Hart MN, Davies H, Asada M, Wassmer SC, Templeton TJ, Treeck M, Moon RW, Kaneko O: Gliding motility of Plasmodium merozoites. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 118: e2114442118, 2021.
Peng YC, Qi Y, Zhang C, Yao X, Wu J, Pattaradilokrat S, Xia L, Tumas KC, He X, Ishizaki T, Qi CF, Holder AA, Myers TG, Long CA, Kaneko O, Li J, Su XZ: Plasmodium yoelii Erythrocyte-Binding-like protein modulates host cell membrane structure, immunity, and disease severity. mBio 11(1): e02995-19, 2020.
Ishizaki T, Chaiyawong N, Hakimi H, Asada M, Tachibana M, Ishino T, Yahata K, Kaneko O: A novel Plasmodium yoelii pseudokinase, PypPK1, is involved in erythrocyte invasion and exflagellation center formation. Parasitol Int 76: 102056, 2020.
Tang J, Templeton TJ, Cao J, Culleton R: The Consequences of Mixed-Species Malaria Parasite Co-Infections in Mice and Mosquitoes for Disease Severity, Parasite Fitness, and Transmission Success. Front Immunol 10: 3072, 2020.
Kawai S, Annoura T, Araki T, Shiogama Y, Shogo S, Sato MO, Kaneko O, Yasutomi Y, Chigusa Y: Development of an effective alternative model for in vivo hypnozoite-induced relapse infections: a Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) model experimentally infected with Plasmodium cynomolgi. Parasitol Int 76: 102096, 2020.
Muh F, Kim N, Nyunt MH, Firdaus ER, Han JH, Hoque MR, Lee SK, Park JH, Moon RW, Lau YL, Kaneko O, Han ET: Cross-species reactivity of antibodies against Plasmodium vivax blood-stage antigens to P. knowlesi. PLoS Negl Trop Di 14(6): e0008323, 2020.
Subudhi A, O'Donnel A, Ramaprasad A, Abkallo H, Kaushik A, Ansari H, Mohamed A, Rached F, Kaneko O, Culleton R, Reece S, Pain A: Malaria parasites regulate intra-erythrocytic development duration via serpentine receptor 10 to coordinate with host rhythms. Nat Commun 11: 2763, 2020.
Teklemichael AA, Mizukami S, Toume K, Mosaddeque F, Kamel MG, Kaneko O, Komatsu K, Karbwang J, Huy NT, Hirayama K: Anti-malarial activity of traditional Kampo medicine Coptis rhizome extract and its major active compounds. Malar J 19: 204, 2020.
Hakimi H, Templeton TJ, Sakaguchi M, Yamagishi J, Miyazaki S, Yahata K, Uchihashi T, Kawazu S-I, Kaneko O, Asada M: Novel Babesia bovis exported proteins that modify properties of infected red blood cells. PLoS Pathog 16(10): e1008917, 2020.
Sugimoto T, Takahashi K, Matsui K, Asada M, Kaneko O, Ariyoshi K: A Japanese man with malaria tests negative for fever after spending 6 months in rural Kenya. Trop Med Health 48: 52, 2020.
Chitama BYA, Miyazaki S, Zhu XT, Kagaya W, Yahata K, Kaneko O. Multiple charged amino acids of Plasmodium falciparum SURFIN4.1 N-terminal region are important for efficient export to the red blood cell. Parasito Int 71:186-193, 2019.
Hakimi H, Ishizaki T, Kegawa Y, Kaneko O, Kawazu S, Asada M. Genome editing of Babesia bovis using the CRISPR/Cas9 system. mSphere 4(3): e00109-19, 2019.
Hakimi H, Sarani A, Takeda M, Kaneko O, Asada M. Epidemiology, risk factors, and co-infection of vector-borne pathogens in goats from Sistan and Baluchestan province, Iran. PLOS ONE 14(6): e0218609, 2019.
Morita M, Hayashi K, Sato A, Hiramoto A, Kaneko O, Isogawa R, Kurosaki Y, Miyoshi S, Chang KS, Wataya Y, Kim HS. Genomic and biological features of Plasmodium falciparum resistance against antimalarial endoperoxide N-89. Gene 716:144016, 2019.
Nguyen TT, Dang-Trinh MA, Higuchi L, Mosqueda J, Hakimi H, Asada M, Yamagishi J, Umemiya-Shirafuji R, Kawazu SI. Initiated Babesia ovata sexual stages under In vitro conditions were recognized by anti-CCp2 antibodies, showing changes in the DNA content by imaging flow cytometry. Pathogens 8(3): pii: E104, 2019.
Tiburcio M, Yang ASP, Yahata K, Suarez-Cortes P, Belda H, Baumgarten S, van de Vegte-Bolmer M, van Gemert GJ, van Waardenburg Y, Levashina EA, Sauerwein RW, Treeck M. A novel tool for the generation of conditional knockouts to study gene function across the Plasmodium falciparum life cycle. mBio 10(5): pii: e01170-19, 2019.
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Kandel RC, Shrestha M, Sadaula A, Khatri-Chhetri M, Maharjan J, Solanki GS, Chalise MK, Asada M, Kaneko O, Poudel RC, Pandey K. First report of the malaria parasite in water buffalo in Nepal. Vet Parasitol Reg Stud Reports 18:100348, 2019.
Thawnashom K, Kaneko M, Xangsayarath P, Chaiyawong N, Yahata K, Asada M, Adams JH, Kaneko O. Validation of Plasmodium vivax centromere and promoter activities using Plasmodium yoelii. PLOS ONE 14(12):e0226884, 2019.
Liu M, Adjou Moumouni PF, Cao S, Asada M, Wang G, Gao Y, Guo H, Li J, Vudriko P, Efstratiou A, Ringo AE, Lee SH, Hakimi H, Masatani T, Sunaga F, Kawazu SI, Yamagishi J, Jia L, Inoue N, Xuan X. Identification and characterization of interchangeable cross-species functional promoters between Babesia gibsoni and Babesia bovis. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 9(2):330-333, 2018.
Asada M, Takeda M, Tomas WM, Pellegrin A, de Oliveira CHS, Barbosa JD, da Silveira JAG, Braga EM, Kaneko O. Close relationship of Plasmodium sequences detected from South American pampas deer (Ozotoceros bezoarticus) to Plasmodium spp. in North American white-tailed deer. Int J Parasitol Parasites Wildl 7(1):44-7, 2018.
Kijogia C, Kimura D, Bao LQ, Nakamura R, Chadeka EA, Cheruiyot NB, Bahati F, Yahata K, Kaneko O, Njenga SM, Ichinose Y, Hamano S, Yui K. Modulation of immune responses by Plasmodium falciparum infection in asymptomatic children living in the endemic region of Mbita, western Kenya. Parasitol Int 67(3):284-293, 2018.
Mosaddeque F, Mizukami S, Kamel MG, Teklemichael AA, Dat TV, Mizuta S, Toan DV, Ahmed AM, Vuong NL, Elhady MT, Giang HTN, Dang TN, Fukuda M, Huynh LK, Tanaka Y, Egan TJ, Kaneko O, Huy NT, Hirayama K. Prediction model for anti-1 malarial activities of hemozoin inhibitors using physicochemical properties. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 62(5): e02424-17, 2018.
Muh F, Ahmed MA, Han JH, Nyunt MH, Lee SK, Lau YL, Kaneko O, Han ET. Cross-species analysis of apical asparagine-rich protein of Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium knowlesi. Sci Rep 8(1):5781, 2018.
Kaewthamasorn M, Takeda M, Saiwichai T, Gitaka JN, Tiawsirisup S, Imasato Y, Mossaad E, Sarani A, Kaewlamun W, Channumsin M, Chaiworakul S, Katepongpun W, Teeveerapunya S, Panthong J, Mureithi DK, Bawm S, Htun LL, Win MM, Ismail AA, Ibrahim AM, Suganuma K, Hakimi H, Nakao R, Katakura K, Asada M, Kaneko O. Genetic homogeneity of goat malaria parasites in Asia and Africa suggests their expansion with domestic goat host. Sci Rep 8:5827, 2018.
Asare KK, Sakaguchi M, Lucky AB, Asada M, Miyazaki S, Katakai Y, Kawai S, Song C, Murata K, Yahata K, Kaneko O. The Plasmodium knowlesi MAHRP2 ortholog localizes to structures connecting Sinton Mulligan's clefts in the infected erythrocyte. Parasitol Int 67:481-492, 2018.
Liu M, Adjou Moumouni PF, Asada M, Hakimi H, Masatani T, Vudriko P, Lee SH, Kawazu SI, Yamagishi J, Xuan X. Establishment of a stable transfection system for genetic manipulation of Babesia gibsoni. Parasit Vectors 11(1):260, 2018.
Asada M, Hakimi H, Kawazu SI. The application of the HyPer fluorescent sensor in the real-time detection of H2O2 in Babesia bovis merozoites in vitro. Vet Parasitol 255:78-82, 2018.
Kegawa Y, Asada M, Ishizaki T, Yahata K, Kaneko O. Critical role of Erythrocyte Binding-Like protein of the rodent malaria parasite Plasmodium yoelii to establish an irreversible connection with the erythrocyte during invasion. Parasitol Int 67(6):706-714, 2018.
Ishikawa T, Mizuta S, Kaneko O, Yahata K. Fragment molecular orbital study of the interaction between sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase and its inhibitor thapsigargin toward anti-malarial development. J Phys Chem B 122(33):7970-7977, 2018.
Basuki S, Fitriah, Risamasu PM, Kasmijati, Ariami P, Riyanto S, Hidayat A, Susilowati D, Iskandar, Armika B, Budiono, Dachlan YP, Kanbara H, Uemura H: Origins and spread of novel genetic variants of sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum isolates in Indonesia. Malar J 17: 475, 2018.
Pongvongsa T, Culleton R, Ha H, Thanh L, Phongmany P, Marchand RP, Kawai S, Moji K, Nakazawa S, Maeno Y: Human infection with Plasmodium knowlesi on the Laos-Vietnam border. Trop Med Health 46: 33, 2018.
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Maeno Y, Culleton R, Quang NT, Kawai S, Marchand RP, Nakazawa S. Plasmodium knowlesi and human malaria parasites in Khan Phu, Vietnam: Gametocyte production in humans and frequent co-infection of mosquitoes. Parasitology 144(4): 527-535, 2017.
Musinguzi SP, Suganuma K, Asada M, Laohasinnarong D, Sivakumar T, Yokoyama N, Namangala B, Sugimoto C, Suzuki Y, Xuan X, Inoue N. A PCR-based survey of animal African trypanosomosis and selected piroplasm parasites of cattle and goats in Zambia. J Vet Med Sci 78(12):1819-24, 2017.
Gitaka JN, Takeda M, Kimura M, Idris ZM, Chan CW, Kongere J, Yahata K, Muregi FW, Ichinose Y, Kaneko A, Kaneko O. Selections, frameshift mutations, and copy number variation detected on the surf4.1 gene in the western Kenyan Plasmodium falciparum population. Malar J 16: 98, 2017.
Zhu X, He Y, Liang Y, Kaneko O, Cui L, Cao Y. Tryptophan-rich domains of Plasmodium falciparum SURFIN4.2 and Plasmodium vivax PvSTP2 interact with membrane skeleton of red blood cell. Malar J 16(1):121, 2017.
Maeno Y, Quang NT, Culleton R, Kawai S, Masuda G, Hori K, Nakazawa S, Marchand RP. Detection of the Plasmodium falciparum Kelch-13 gene P553L mutation in sporozoites isolated from mosquito salivary glands in South-Central Vietnam. Parasit Vectors 10(1):308, 2017.
Abkallo HM, Martinelli A, Inoue M, Ramaprasad A, Xangsayarath P, Gitaka J, Tang J, Yahata K, Zoungrana A, Mitaka H, Acharjee A, Datta PP, Hunt P, Carter R, Kaneko O, Mustonen V, Illingworth CJR, Pain A, Culleton R: Rapid identification of genes controlling virulence and immunity in malaria parasites. PLOS Pathog 13(7):e1006447, 2017.
Masatani T, Hayashi K, Andoh M, Tateno M, Endo Y, Asada M, Kusakisako K, Tanaka T, Gokuden M, Hozumi N, Nakadohzono F, Matsuo T. Detection and molecular characterization of Babesia, Theileria, and Hepatozoon species in hard ticks collected from Kagoshima, the southern region in Japan. Ticks Tick Borne Dis. 8(4):581-587, 2017.
Liu M, Asada M, Cao S, Moumouni PFA, Vudriko P, Efstratiou A, Hakimi H, Masatani T, Sunaga F, Kawazu SI, Yamagishi J, Xuan X. Transient transfection of intraerythrocytic Babesia gibsoni using elongation factor-1 alpha promoter. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 216:56-59, 2017.
Yamagishi J, Asada M, Hakimi H, Tanaka TQ, Sugimoto C, Kawazu SI. Whole-genome assembly of Babesia ovata and comparative genomics between closely related pathogens. BMC Genomics. 18(1):832, 2017.
Templeton TJ and Pain A: Diversity of extracellular proteins during the transition from the “proto-apicomplexan” alveolates to the apicomplexan obligate parasites. Parasitology 143(1):1-17, 2016.
Sakaguchi M, Miyazaki N, Fujioka H, Kaneko O, Murata K. Three-dimensional analysis of morphological changes in the malaria parasite infected red blood cell by serial block-face scanning electron microscopy. J Struct Biol 193(3):162-71, 2016.
Templeton TJ, Asada M, Jiratanh M, Ishikawa SA, Tiawsirisup S, Sivakumar T, Namangala B, Takeda M, Mohkaew K, Ngamjituea S, Inoue N, Sugimoto C, Inagaki Y, Suzuki Y, Yokoyama N, Kaewthamasorn M, Kaneko O. Ungulate malaria parasites. Sci Rep 6: 23230, 2016.
Hakimi H, Yamagishi J, Kegawa Y, Kaneko O, Kawazu SI, Asada M. Establishment of transient and stable transfection systems for Babesia ovata. Parasit Vectors 9:171, 2016.
Pandey K, Ferreira PE, Ishikawa T, Nagai T, Kaneko O, Yahata K. Ca2+ monitoring in Plasmodium falciparum using the yellow cameleon-Nano biosensor. Sci Rep 6: 23454, 2016.
Mita T, Culleton R, Takahashi N, Nakamura M, Tsukahara T, Hunja CW, Win ZZ, Htike WW, Marma AS, Dysoley L, Ndounga M, Dzodzomenyo M, Akhwale WS, Kobayashi J, Uemura H, Kaneko A, Hombhanje F, Ferreira MU, Bjorkman A, Endo H, Ohashi J. Little Polymorphism at the K13 Propeller Locus in Worldwide Plasmodium falciparum Populations Prior to the Introduction of Artemisinin Combination Therapies. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 60(6):3340-7, 2016.
Moreira CK, Naissant B, Coppi A, Bennett BL, Aime E, Franke-Fayard B, Janse CJ, Coppens I, Sinnis P, Templeton TJ. The Plasmodium PHIST and RESA-Like Protein Families of Human and Rodent Malaria Parasites. PLoS One 11(3):e0152510, 2016.
Rao PN, Santos JM, Pain A, Templeton TJ, Mair GR. Translational repression of the cpw-wpc gene family in the malaria parasite Plasmodium. Parasitol Int 65(5 Pt A):463-71, 2016.
Ebine K, Hirai M, Sakaguchi M, Yahata K, Kaneko O, Saito-Nakano Y. Plasmodium Rab5b is secreted to the cytoplasmic face of the tubovesicular network in infected red blood cells together with N-acylated adenylate kinase 2. Malar J 15(1):323, 2016.
Yamasaki S, Suganuma K, Yamagishi J, Asada M, Yokoyama N, Kawazu S, Inoue N. Characterization of an epimastigote-stage-specific hemoglobin receptor of Trypanosoma congolense. Parasit Vectors 9(1):299, 2016.
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