PHASE Short Term Program was done in Kwale, Kenya from 8th to 15th March 2023. PHASE means Planetary Health Africa-Japan Strategic and Collaborative Education (PHASE), and this is the program for promoting education research, and human resource development aimed at responding to and contributing to global issues. The purpose is to develop and produce the human resources that make them have an ability for the global issues with sustainability. This program was initiated in December 2020 with a collaborative institution in Kenya, such as KEMRI graduate school, Kenyatta University, JKUAT, and Maseno University. Nagasaki University has an academic corporation agreement with those above universities in Kenya and conducts the Online program, Long-term Program, and Short-term Program. This is the first time for the Short term program in Kenya for FY 2022 and students from the faculty of Economics, information data technology, school of global humanities and social sciences and the school of biomedical sciences participated in this program and one of each collaborative universities in Kenya also participated in this program. In Kwale county, we visited the dispensary and the primary school where we had a collaborative research project between KEMRI and Nagasaki University and the students learned a lot about the health situation and services delivery and education in the rural area of Kenya. \In Nairobi, they discussed and interacted about the solution for the challenges towards the global issues through the experience in the fieldwork of Kwale county. Both Nagasaki and Kenyan students made a team and made a presentation. The discussion was very fruitful and they thought about how we can solve the global issues in the resource-limited settings. Prof Satoshi Kaneko, the coordinator of this program commented “The solution is not only one and one issue is connecting with complicated. If we see the health issue we need to have various aspects apart from health and wellbeing to approach the reality. This is a good opportunity to have the experience to interact with both Nagasaki and Kenyan students mutually”. After the presentation, Prof Kaneko and students visited the campus of JKUAT which is one of the top educational environments and a huge campus.