On 8th – 13th November 2021, Africa International Biotechnology and Biomedical Conference (AIBBC) was held at Acacia hotel and Maseno University, Kisumu. On 11th Nov, Prof Shingo Inoue, at Kenya research station had delivered the lecture, “Development and evaluation of point of care tests for Rift Valley Fever diagnosis”. Total five staffs and interns in NUITM -KEMRI project also participated in the conference and delivered the Poster presentation on each belonging research project. From 8th to 10th Nov, the practical workshop was held and it targeted “Care diagnostics, molecular diagnostics, flow cytometry, malaria research and diagnostics”. Also, Prof Akira Kaneko, Osaka city university who conducts the research in Mbita HDSS site, delivered the lecture「An integrated strategy for sustainable freedom from malaria” in regard to the SATREPS project. More than 200 participants attended the meeting from worldwide, it was a precious opportunity for them to show their research achievement and did active discussions and participate in the practical training.