研究発表 Presentation
Kenji Hirayama, Nguyen T.P. Lan, M. Kikuchi, Vu T. Q. Huong, Vu T.T. Ngu, Hoang N. Dao, Vo D. Tham, Tran V. dat, Do Q. Ha, T. Oyama, M. Yasunami, K. Morita: Genetic Predisposition to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever/ Dengue shock Syndrome(DHF/DSS).
Asian Research Forum on Emerging and Reemerging Infections-2007 Program & Abstract, January 15-16, 2007, Best Western Premier Hotel Nagasaki, Nagasaki, Japan
(Program & Abstract, 2007)
Dujdow Songthamwat, Kazuo Kajihara, Mihoko Kikuchi, Haruki Ueda, Tetsuo Yanagi, Hiroo Higo, Kenji Hirayama: Structure and expression of four gp82 gene subfamilies of Trypanosoma cruzi. February 1-3, 2007, Forty-first Joint Conference on Parasitic Diseases, Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
(Forty-first Joint Conference on Parasitic Diseases. The Japan-US Cooperative Medical Science Program, Feb 1-3, 2007, pp43.)
菊池三穂子、安波道朗、奥田尚子、塚原高広、ラム コージ、金子 明、平山謙二:遺伝子多型の地理的分布とマラリア感染による選択圧.
平山謙二、菊池三穂子、Honggen Chen、Shuying Xie, Jun Ge Dan Lin Dan:
Florencia Puerto Del, 菊池三穂子、J. Eiki Nishizawa, Naomi Iihoshi, Syelin Roca, Ug Freddy Velarde, A Luis Renjel, 三浦左千夫, 安波道朗, 平山謙二:Evaluation of PCR method as a tool for Diagnosis of Chagas Disease in healthy and infected population in Bolivia.
曽根敏雄, 大城 聦, 松下 祥, 平山謙二
Trypanosoma cruziに発現している主要タンパク質のプロテオーム解析による同定.
Kenji Hirayama: Genetic study of Dnegue disease in Vietnam.
Second Denframe General Meeting 8-10 March 2007, Institute Pasteur, Paris, France
(Second Denframe General Meeting 8-10 March 2007, Tentative Agenda, pp.4, 2007)
Kenji Hirayama: Role of Investigator. Principles of Good Clinical Practice and Research Ethics for Investigators and Ethics Committee Members, Shanghai Children’s Medical Center & Renj Hospital, April 23-25, 2007 中華人民共和国、上海市
第18回日本臨床微生物学会総会 2007年2月17日―18日、長崎ブリックホール、長崎市、日本(日本臨床微生物学雑誌, 16(4):39, 2007)
Kenji Hirayama. Ethical considerations in the community based study.
6th Nagasaki International Course on Research Ethics, July 9-11, 2007
Pompe Hall, Sakamoto Campus, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki City, Japan
山崎朗子, 安波道郎, 高木明子, 石井一成, 菊池三穂子, 平山謙二
第16回日本組織適合性学会大会(The 16th Japanese Society for Histocompatibility and Department of Department of Immunogenetics (JSHI) Annual Meeting)、2007年9月9日―11日、ぱるるプラザ京都、京都(MHC: 14(2), 62, 2007)
安波道郎、Nguyen Thi Phuong Lan, 菊池三穂子, 奥田尚子, 堀江仁美, Vu Thi Que Huong, 森田公一, 平山謙二
(日本人類遺伝学会第52回大会プログラム, pp27, 2007)
G.K. Helegbe, B.Q. Goka, M.M. Addae, G.O. Adjei, J.A.L. Kurtzhals, K. Hirayama, B.D. Akanmori
Elevated CD47 Expression on Erythrocyte Membranes in Severe Plasmodium falciparum Malaria
The Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene at the Centenary Conference, September 13-15th 2007, Queen Elizabeth II Conference Hall, London, UK (One hundred years of tropical, medicine, meeting the millennium development goals. P1.41, 2007)
Shuaibu MN, Kikuchi M, Yanagawa T, Kanbara H, Hirayama K
Bioinformatics and DNA immunization to search for a novel blood stage malaria vaccine.
The 1st International Conference on Malaria Vaccines for the world. MVW 2007 September 17-19, 2007, Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK
菊池三穂子、エクラス・ハメド・ハーフィズ、渡部幹次、伊藤 敬、平山謙二
Del Puerto Florencia, 菊池三穂子, Nishizawa Eiki, Iihoshi Keiko, Velarde Freddy, Renjel Luis, Roca Jelin, 三浦左千夫, 肥後広夫, 平山謙二
Sub-lineage analysis of Trypanosoma cruzi detected in the blood samples of different clinical forms of Chagas desease in Bolivia.
菊池三穂子、Chen Honggen、Xie Shuying、Ge Jun、Dan Dan Lin, 平山謙二
Development of diagnostic ELISA system that detects active infection with S.japonicum.
Hamed Abdel-Hafeez E, 菊池三穂子、渡部幹次、伊藤 敬、平山謙二
Proteome approach for identification of protective vaccine candidate antigens for Schistsoma japonicum infection
M Yasunami, TPL Nguyen, M Kikuchi, N Okuda, H Horie, TQH Vu, K Morita and K Hirayama
Candidate gene approach to identify genetic predisposition to severe forms of dengu virus.
The 57th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA, October 23-27, 2007
(The American Society of Human Genetics 57th Annual Meeting, ABSTRACTS, October 23-27, 2007, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California, pp466.)
Yasunami Michio. Nguyen Thi Phuong Lan, Kikuchi Mihoko, Okuda Naoko, Horie Hitomi, Nguyen Tien Huy, Vu Thi Que Huong, Morita Kouichi, Hirayama Kenji.
Host genetic factors for severe dengue virus information.
Aiba Yoshihiro, Matsuyama Mutsumi, Komori Atsumasa, Migita Kiyoshi, Yatsuhashi Hiroshi, Ishibashi Hitomi, Kondo Hisayoshi, Okuda Naoko, Kikuchi Mihoko, Yasunami Michio, Nakamura Minoru.
Genetic polymorphism of HLA-DR and cytokine genes in Japanese patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.
N T Phuong Lan, Kikuchi M, VT QueHuong,VU T Thu Ngu, Hoang ND, D Quang Ha, T Thi Thuy, VO Dinh Tham, VO Van Tuong, CAO T P Nga, T Van Dat, Oyama I, Morita K, Yasunami M, Hirayama K.
Protective and enhancing HLA-alleles, HLA-DRB1*0901 and HLA-A*24, for severe forms of dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome.
The 21st Century Center-of-Excellence Program -Global Control Strategy of Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases-. 2nd Nagasaki Symposium on Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases. Nov.26-27, 2007, Pompe Hall, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan( pp11, 2007)
Hirayama K, Shuaibu MN, Kikuchi M, Yanagi T, Kanbara H
Bioinformatics and DNA immunization to search for a novel blood stage malaria vaccine.
The 21st Century Center-of-Excellence Program -Global Control Strategy of Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases-. 2nd Nagasaki Symposium on Tropical and Emerging Infectious Diseases. Nov.26-27, 2007, Pompe Hall, Nagasaki University, Nagasaki, Japan(pp23, 2007)