(JICA Jiggers Grassroot )JICA and Japan Embassy officials Visit the project

(JICA Jiggers Grassroot )JICA and Japan Embassy officials Visit the project

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On 18th September 2023, JICA-NUITM received visitors from JICA Nairobi.

The main objective was to see the project progress.

The team was happy to receive the visitors and carefully explained the project scope, dynamics, and achievements.

The visitors included;

Ms. Mitsuma Yuka-JICA Representative

Ms. Yoshizu Chie- JICA Representative

Ms. Yorita Yume – Japan Embassy

The team had a fruitful discussion on the collaborating partners, mode of project implementation, treatment administered and how the data is collected to ensure smooth running of the project.

Proper hygiene and sanitation came out clearly as a major way to curb the spread/infestation of jiggers, collaborating with key stakeholders to eradicate the menace.

JICA-NUITM was delighted to host the team.