大学院生 students & fellows
Mbanefo Evaristus Chibunna
ムバネフォ エバリストゥス チブンナ
■ Nick name
■ Position
PhD student
■ Speciality
Parasitology, Immunogenetics
■ What I am doing
Investigating the immunogenicity of secreted and membrane bound Schistosoma candidate egg antigens in eliciting protection from severe hepatic pathogenesis
■ What is my favorite experiment
Monoclonal Antibody Production
■ Background
MSc Public Health Parasitology and Entomology
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Parasitology and Entomology, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria
■ Personal Information
DOB: 24th Feb., 1984
Hobbies: watching sports events, web surfing, sight-seeing and making friends
Contacts: evari4u@yahoo.com , evambanefo@yahoo.com