This meeting took place at the Homabay County Health boardroom on the 2nd of November 2022 with the sub-county team joining through zoom.
15 MoH Staff members, 3 Ministry of Education Staff, and JICA-NUITM attended.
The meeting objectives were;
- To introduce the new counterpart team; and
- To share the project plan and activities
Nagasaki University presented the following;
- Outline of the project
- Organization chart
- Schedule so far and upcoming plans
- Results from the baseline survey
- Monthly reports (the gaps in both Ndhiwa and Suba-Sub counties) and DHIS data
- The various available treatments e.g Potassium parmanganate and NYDA
- Presentation of the severe pictures of victims from the community and the challenges faced during treatment.
The team met the MOH Chief Officer, Dr.Kevin Osuri who promised to give his full support to the team towards eradication and ensure sustainability for the affected communities.
The counterpart was impressed with the project activities and could see the success stories of jiggers’ patients being completely healed from the menace after consistent treatment, prevention measures, and behavior change through health education.
The meeting was fruitful.
The sub-county team agreed to conduct follow-ups for the CHAs and CHVs who were not reporting to check on the disease burden.
This would enable 100% reporting rate and also make all the affected persons reach treatment.