L1 特別講演: 動物由来感染症対策

座長:竹内 勤(慶応義塾大学 医学部)
Zoonosis control in Japan
吉川 泰弘1

L2 特別講演: Controlling malaria in Africa

座長:有吉紅也(長崎大学 熱帯医学研究所)
Controlling malaria in Africa
Brian Greenwood1
1Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases, London School of Hygiene &Tropical Medicine, London, UK   
Malaria remains a major public health problem in Africa. In many African countries, the situation has deteriorated during the past decade because of the emergence of resistance of Plasmodium falciparum, the dominant malaria parasite in Africa, to chloroquine and sulphadoxine/pyrimethamine (SP). However, during the past five years that there has been recognition by the international community that this situation cannot continue and that something must be done to improve the malaria situation in Africa, for economic as well as for public health reasons. For the first time since the malaria eradication campaigns of fifty years ago, money is being made available for malaria control in Africa on a scale that makes this a possibility. Achieving this goal will require carefully planned use of the limited number of control tools of proven efficacy in Africa which include (1) insecticide treated bednets (ITNs). These are the primary vector control measure in most countries in Africa, although some are now showing an increased interest in indoor residual spraying (IRS); (2) intermittent preventive treatment with SP for pregnant women and (3) prompt provision of effective treatment for clinical cases of malaria.
In the long term, malaria vaccines may prove to be the most effective way of controlling malaria in Africa and progress in malaria vaccine development is being made, with the possibility of licensure of the first vaccine in 2009/10. In the meanwhile, much can be achieved with existing tools but only if their use is scaled up to cover the majority of the susceptible population. This requires reinvigoration of national malaria control programmes..

L3 特別講演: The progress in the prevention of mother to child transmission (MTCT) of HIV and its research in Africa

座長:若杉なおみ(早稲田大学 政治経済学部)
The progress in the prevention of mother to child transmission (MTCT) of HIV and its research in Africa
François Dabis1
1 Institut de Santé Publique, Epidémiologie et Développement (ISPED), Université Victor Segalen, Bordeaux (France)   
Preventing the new pediatric HIV infections is an utmost public health priority in low-resource settings, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, with 2200 children newly infected daily in 2006, 90% of them resulting from the transmission of the virus from pregnant, delivering or lactating women. Clinical research has led to unprecedented progress in the field of MTCT and its prevention. Simple antiretroviral (ARV) prophylactic approaches have been proven to be safe, efficacious and feasible. Thus, MTCT in the peri-partum phase can be reduced by 30 to 75% compared to the spontaneous rate of transmission. Single-dose NVP was viewed as the «magic bullet» solution for PMTCT at the time of its discovery. The subsequent identification of the emergence of frequent viral resistance mutations has been a serious concern since then. Recent experiences in pregnant women of the use of highly potent combinations of ARVs have yielded MTCT rates as low as 2% in Africa, an achievement close to those in industrialized countries. Looking for new ARV strategies, including an alternative to single-dose NVP, and neonatal immunoprophylaxis for the prevention of breastfeeding transmission should be priority research areas. The other challenge is to make now the best possible use of currently available interventions to prevent pediatric HIV infection. It is documented that only 20% at best of targeted HIV-infected pregnant women benefit from the full package of interventions. Reasons are complex and multiple, and include lack of human and financial resources as well as the continuing fear and stigma around HIV infection by health care personnel and populations. Considering the current level of scientific progress, their translation into international and national guidelines and the rapidly progressing field use of ARVs, preventing pediatric HIV infection has the potential to greatly enhance child survival in low-resource settings.

L4 特別講演: Achieving MDG4 in Bangladesh: A review of strategies for further reducing childhood mortality

座長:我妻 堯(財団法人国際協力医学研究振興財団)
Achieving MDG4 in Bangladesh: A review of strategies for further reducing childhood mortality
David Sack1
1ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research   
The childhood mortality rates have dropped considerably in Bangladesh over the last 20 years because of vaccines, provision of vitamin A and oral rehydration for diarrhoea, improving basic health care and improving nutrition. However the trend for childhood mortality has stagnated in recent years, and there has not been a major improvement. Recent analysis of demographic and cause of death data suggest that changes in interventions are needed if we are to achieve MDG4 by 2015. Most infant deaths are now occurring during the first month of life and these deaths will not be prevented with the usual child survival strategies of vaccines and ORS. Furthermore, among the older children, drowning is now becoming a much more important cause of death.
While maintaining the gains of the past through vaccines, ORS and vitamin A, new strategies will be needed to reduce neonatal deaths, provide zinc to children with diarrhoea (consistent with the WHO/UNICEF recommendations), provide the newer vaccines for rotavirus, pneumonia and cholera, and find ways to prevent drowning. Additional improvements in nutritional programmes, especially to integrate these into primary health care will also be needed.
Identifications of MDGs have assisted the ICDDR,B in focusing research toward new development of new knowledge which will truly make a difference in the lives of poor children in Bangladesh and other countries.

L5 特別講演: 開発・生活・ヒューマンセキュリティー −ベトナム発−

座長:神馬征峰(東京大学大学院 医学系研究科 国際保健学)
Development, Life, and Human Security: A Case of Vietnam
梅垣 理郎1
開発・生活・ヒューマンセキュリティーーベトナム発 開発政策は今でこそ「成長至上主義」という単純な目標の呪縛から離れつつある。だが、1970年代初頭からの東アジアにおける経済発展(韓国、香港などNIEsプラスASEAN諸国)の経験こそ繰り返されるべき先例であるとする開発論者はあとを絶たない。 しかし、東アジアの成功例が繰り返し可能な先例であるのかどうかという大きな疑問とならんで、軽視できない点がある。国民経済という単位で把握される「経済成長」が達成されたとしても、その波及効果が社会の隅々にまで及ぶには早くても10年、場合によっては30年近くかかるという点である。この10年から30年の間、人間の生活はどのような変容にさらされているのか。開発政策は従来の生活基盤を揺るがしつつ促進されるため、生活は来るべき改善をただ待つための仮の生活ではありえない。 この危うい基盤の上にあっても生活を維持しようとする人間に注目するのが、1994年以来の国際アジェンダともいうべきヒューマンセキュリティである。「価値あるものと考えることができるような生活を追求する自由」(人間の安全保障委員会、2003年)は限られた資源を前提に生活の維持を試みる人間の創意を重視する。限られた資源からより多くの効用を生み出そうとする創意である。 このヒューマンセキュリティの視点から、私はベトナムの、100万から300万といわれる枯葉剤(エージェント・オレンジ)被曝者ならびにその家族の生活を追っている。大半が完治不可能な疾患をかかえる家族(被害者はすでに第3世代に及びつつある)を持つ世帯である。過去20年近くのベトナムの経済成長の波及効果も及んでいない。こうした世帯や地域にとっての問題が解決された状態――「価値あるものと考えることができるような生活」――を考え、それを追求する人間の創意の実践を掘り起こしたい。

L6 特別講演: 文化人類学と開発援助 −グシイの家族計画を中心に−

座長:青木克己(長崎大学 熱帯医学研究所)
Cultural anthropology and international cooperation for development: Reflections from field studies on family plannning among the Gusii of Western Kenya
松園 万亀雄1