


Presentation by JICA participants on the achievement of their activities

Date: December 12, 2000 Time: 9:30-12:00 Place: Meeting room (1st floor)

”­•\ŽÒ‹y‚Ñ”­•\ƒ^ƒCƒgƒ‹ Speakers and the title of the presentation

9:30- 9:45 Mwape Kafwabulula (Internal Medicine) Evaluation of two PCR methods for the diagnosis of tuberculosis using urine sample in Zambian patients
9:45-10:00 Benjamas Intarapoka (Internal Medicine) Burkholderia pseudomallei produces IL-8 inducing factors and apoptosis factors in human pulmonary epithelial cells
10:00-10:15 Pooi Fong Wong (Virology) Construction of chimeric Dengue/Japanese Encephalitis viruses and their characterization
10:15-10:30 Rafiqul Islam (Bacteriology) NF-kB activation by bacterial flagella filament protein (FIiC) in mammalian cells
10:30-10:45 Kabole Ibrahim (Bacteriology) Purification and some characteristics of Helicobacter pylori flagella protein
10:45-11:00 -break- @ @
11:00-11:15 Amanda Galvez (Protozoology) Characterization of criptosporidium isolated from a wild mouse in Nagasaki
11:15-11:30 Nicolas Milla (Pathology) Clinicopathological comparative study of small hepatocellular carcinoma and advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
11:30-11:45 Peter Curameng (Social Medicine)

Comparison of the Health System of Japan and the Philippines

11:45-12:00 Fatma Mohammed (Reference Center) Remote Sensing in disease surveillance








