
from FAP

What is FAP?

Dear Asian parasitologists!!

The Japanese organizing committee for the Federation of Asian Parasitologists(FAP) here declares the historical opening of the Internet Journal/Home Page(IJ/HP) for the FAP.

Since Jan. 2000, some parasitologists from various Asian countries have been discussing the possibility of organizing an association of parasitologists in Asia and concluded the importance and incentive of the FAP. On this context, we held successfully the first congress of FAP in Chiba in Nov. 2000. Based on the proposals raised in that congress, we chose firstly the implementation of internet-journal, or a virtual association. Although we may still have various technical problems in the IJ/HP, we believe that we will soon be able to overcome them with our common sense as scientists.

Thus we invite all the parasitologists and those who are involved in whatever concerning biology, control, medical/veterinary science of parasites to this network. And we would like to propose the IJ/HP for the FAP sincerely as the tool for mutual exchange of information among members and the white board to announce various international and domestic issues.

We remind the word 'Asia is one' mentioned by Prof. T. Okakura (1862-1913) who was the dean of Tokyo Fine Arts School ( present Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music) and developed important artists in the early 20th century. He traveled and reviewed characteristic arts and philosophy in Asia particularly Japan, India and China. " "THE IDEALS OF THE EAST" which started with the famous sentence " Asia is one", was published in 1903 by John Marray, London, England. The word was his conclusion regarding the identity of Asia based on the philosophy of Asian arts and cultures.

Regionalization of parasitologists may have reasons and merits based on geographic classification as seen in FLAP (Federation of Latin American Association of Parasitologists). We would like to work together on the common basis of culture, climate, lands etc.

Again, we welcome all of you to join and improve this system altogether!!

July 10, 2001
Japanese Organizing Committee, FAP

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