Module 3: Vaccine Development

Vaccine Discovery

18 October, 2007   Thursday

0900-0930      Historical of vaccine Discovery

                       Dr. Howard Engers, AHARI, Ethiopia

0930-1030      Overview of modern vaccine discovery

                       Dr. Howard Engers, AHARI, Ethiopia

1030-1100      Tea break

1100-1200      Screening for antigens

                       Prof. Dr. Kenji Hirayama, Nagasaki University, Japan

1200-1330      Lunch

1330-1430      Evaluating antigens

                       Prof. Dr. Kenji Hirayama, Nagasaki University, Japan

1430-1500      Tea break

1500-1600      Visiting Vaccine Discovery Laboratory  Institute of Tropical Medicine,

                       Nagasaki University


19 October, 2007   Friday

0900-1030      Adjuvant -

                       Dr. Howard Engers, AHARI, Ethiopia

1030-1100     Tea break

1100-1200      Alternatives to antigens: DNA vaccine, Live or attenuated pathogen

                       Dr. Howard Engers, AHARI, Ethiopia

1200-1330      Lunch

1330-1430      Selection of development candidate and back-ups

                       Dr. Howard Engers, AHARI, Ethiopia

1430-1500      Tea break

1500-1630     Efficacy, toxicity, route if immunization, price, stability, cold chain,

                       Dr. Howard Engers, AHARI, Ethiopia


20 October, 2007   Saturday

0900-1030      Malaria vaccine discovery

1030-1100      Tea break

1100-1200      Cholera vaccine discovery         

1200-1300      Lunch

1300-1400      Oral vaccine discovery               

                       Dr. Takeshi Arakawa, Ryukyu University, Japan

Antigen Development

22 October, 2007 Monday


0900-1200      Antigen Development:

·      History of Vaccine Development

·      Down period-Try and error period

·      The 2nd period - Toxoid vaccine

·      The 3rd period - Virus vaccines period

·      The 4th period - Genetic engineering period


    Process of Vaccine Production


Process of Vaccine Production (Continued)


1200-1300    Lunch

1300-1415   Quality Assurance of Vaccine

                         Dr. Nobuhiro Noro, Glaxo SmithKlein KK, Tokyo, Japan

1415-1430      Tea break

1430-1600  Quality Assurance of Vaccine (Continued)

                       Dr. Nobuhiro Noro, Glaxo SmithKlein KK, Tokyo, Japan

Pre-Clinical Development

23 October, 2007   Tuesday


0900-1030      Safety assessment

                       Toxicity test for animal: regional complications, systemic toxicity such

                       as fever, anaphylactic shock

                        Dr. Nobuhiro Noro, Glaxo SmithKlein KK, Tokyo, Japan

1030-1100    Tea break

1100-1230      Immunogenicity assessment

                       Dr. Nobuhiro Noro, Glaxo SmithKlein KK, Tokyo, Japan

1230-1330      Lunch

1330-1430      Regulatory


1430-1445      Tea break

1445-1600      Example: Animal model used in pre-clinical studies

                       Dr. Shigeyuki Kano, International Medical Center of Japan, Tokyo


1600-1700      Example: Leishmaniasis vaccine discovery and clinical trials

                       Prof. Dr.Ivan Velez, Antioquia University, Colombia

Clinical Development

24 October, 2007  Wednesday



0900-1030      Assessment of pre-clinical information

                       Dr. Howard Engers, AHARI, Ethiopia

1030-1100    Tea Break


1100-1200      Clinical development plan

                       Dr. Howard Engers, AHARI, Ethiopia

1200-1300      Lunch

1300-1430      Application of immunogenicity for vaccine development

                       Dr. Shigeharu Ueda, The Research Foundation for Microbial Diseases

                       of Osaka University (BIKEN), Japan

1430-1500     Tea break

1500-1600      Dose selection and regimen

                       Dr. Shigeharu Ueda, The Research Foundation for Microbial Diseases

                       of Osaka University (BIKEN), Japan

1600-1730     Participants's report on Vaccine R&D

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